Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have been used to treat women's health for many centuries.
Research studies show that acupuncture can influence female reproductive functioning and improve menstrual health and fertility in many ways:
Acupuncture treatments increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, making them stronger and healthier. If you are struggling with infertility, this will improve chances that the uterine lining will support egg to the full term.
Acupuncture increases production of endorphins, a chemical tied to menstrual regulation.
Acupuncture can improve hormone production by stimulating the areas of the brain tied to hypothalamus and pituitary gland (two of the biggest hormone producing organs). These hormones can improve egg production and affect ovulation.
Acupuncture releases stress which also can have big effect on proper functioning of the reproductive system.
Through these mechanisms acupuncture also alleviates menstrual cramps, PMS and menopausal (hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, anxiety) symptoms.
Similarly, Chinese herbal medicine, consisting of formulas with multiple herb combinations can regulate menstrual and hormonal functions. With herbs you can:
Regulate hormones and menstruation.
Support adrenal health and sustain energy.
Tone uterus, nourish blood, relax muscles and relieve cramps.
Reduce hot flashes, sweating and regulate hormonal imbalances during menopause.
Reduce inflammation and autoimmune response
Help with healthy digestion.
If you would like to learn more how acupuncture or herbal medicine can help with your health condition, please contact us or call us at 978-277-8099 to schedule free 30 minute consultation.