Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) take a holistic approach to health. This means that we will take into account your whole self to get to the root of your health concerns. In order t treat any imbalances that are causing your health issues, fine, sterile needles will be inserted at specific acupuncture points along the meridian pathways. The points we choose are based on your unique health issues and symptoms.
Your first visit
Initial visit generally lasts ninety minutes. Your acupuncturist will take a detailed health history, perform a physical exam, and provide you with your unique treatment plan.
During your first exam, the acupuncturist will spend time getting to know you and your health concerns. You may be asked a wide range of questions about your symptoms, eating, exercise, sleep habits, emotional states and anything that may offer insight into your health. The exam will also include diagnostic tools that are unique to acupuncture and TCM, such as tongue and pulse diagnosis.
During your first exam, the acupuncturist will spend time getting to know you and your health concerns. You may be asked a wide range of questions about your symptoms, eating, exercise, sleep habits, emotional states and anything that may offer insight into your health. The exam will also include diagnostic tools that are unique to acupuncture and TCM, such as tongue and pulse diagnosis.
Your treatment plan
Once we gather enough information through a health interview and examination, you will receive a comprehensive diagnosis and a treatment plan that will explain:
- Your underlying imbalance
- Your timeline of care
- What types of treatment you will receive
How many treatments will I need?
That depends entirely on the nature of your condition that is being treated, how your body responds to acupuncture, the severity and chronic nature of the condition.
Because the effects of acupuncture are cumulative most conditions require 6-8 treatments. Acute conditions usually require fewer treatments, while chronic conditions require more.
Because the effects of acupuncture are cumulative most conditions require 6-8 treatments. Acute conditions usually require fewer treatments, while chronic conditions require more.
does acupuncture hurt?
The acupuncture needles are very thin and most people consider acupuncture a pleasant and relaxing experience.
The sensation caused by needles varies from person to person. It may feel as a slight pinch, heaviness, warm feeling, tingling and are not considered to be painful. These sensations are called 'de qi'.
Research has shown that de qi has significance in relation to changes in blood flow, tissue displacement, myoelectricity and MRI brain signals. As a result, there are measurable intrinsic changes in human body induced by de qi during acupuncture which elicit significant response in specific brain regions.
The sensation caused by needles varies from person to person. It may feel as a slight pinch, heaviness, warm feeling, tingling and are not considered to be painful. These sensations are called 'de qi'.
Research has shown that de qi has significance in relation to changes in blood flow, tissue displacement, myoelectricity and MRI brain signals. As a result, there are measurable intrinsic changes in human body induced by de qi during acupuncture which elicit significant response in specific brain regions.
getting the most from your acupuncture treatment
For the best treatment results, keep a few things in mind:
- Please show up on time
- Do not eat a large meal before you visit
- Be sure to discuss any questions or concerns with your acupuncturist
- Refrain from overexertion, alcohol for at least six hours after treatment
- Follow your treatment plan between visits
- Keep all of your appointments, as each visit builds upon the previous ones
Other therapies included with acupuncture
During your one-to-one acupuncture appointment the following powerful therapies may be also applied:
Cupping is designed to stimulate the flow of blood and Qi within the superficial muscle layers. It is used for sore muscles, tension, neck pain and common cold.
Moxibustion is a treatment that uses a herb called mugwort. It is burned on the handle of a needle, above the skin, on salt or on a slice of ginger. The process "warms" acupuncture points accelerating the healing process.
Gua Sha involves a special tool to scrape or rub the skin over a problem area. It is used to release muscle tension, tightness and constriction.
Tui Na is a massage technique that moves Qi in various parts of the body. It is used to relieve muscle pain, tension, and inflammation. It is also used to heal injuries.
Cupping is designed to stimulate the flow of blood and Qi within the superficial muscle layers. It is used for sore muscles, tension, neck pain and common cold.
Moxibustion is a treatment that uses a herb called mugwort. It is burned on the handle of a needle, above the skin, on salt or on a slice of ginger. The process "warms" acupuncture points accelerating the healing process.
Gua Sha involves a special tool to scrape or rub the skin over a problem area. It is used to release muscle tension, tightness and constriction.
Tui Na is a massage technique that moves Qi in various parts of the body. It is used to relieve muscle pain, tension, and inflammation. It is also used to heal injuries.