Symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to common cold and flu symptoms:
In over 98% of COVID-19 cases people recover completely. The disease enters its severe phase when the virus propagates from the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat) to lower respiratory tract (lungs). In that case, immune system reaction may result in severe inflammation that can cause scarring and damage of the alveoli in the lungs and result in severe oxygen deprivation and multiple organ failure. Thus, it is of the utmost importance to prevent disease from spreading to the lungs. Western medicine does not have a definitive treatment for the early phase of the disease, but medicinal herbs can play a major role. Traditional Chinese Medicine is well integrated with modern medicine in China, and in many instances the main treatment for mild and moderate are herbal medicinal formulas, as western medicine still does not have a definitive treatment for this virus. 1. No symptoms? Great, keep it that way by strengthening your immune system.
proliferation, and elevated levels of cytokine (nitric oxide, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1, beta, interleukin-6, and interferon beta). 2. Early phase, mild symptoms:
Research: Ge Gen Tang demonstrated antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. Ge Gen Tang also has a beneficial effect on mucosal lining of upper respiratory system, which is a first line of defense against any foreign particles (microbes, dust, pollutants) entering our body.
Research: Two main herbs in this formula, Jin Yin Hua (Flos Lonicerae Japonicae) and Lian Qiao (Fructus Forsythiae) show strong antiviral, antibiotic, and antibacterial effect, especially against influenza viruses, coxackie B virus, echo virus, Asian influenza A virus and others. Jin Yin Hua contains three compounds that have potential to directly inhibit Covid19 novel coronavirus.
Research: Two main herbs in this formula: Sang Ye (Folium Mori) and Ju Hua (Flos Chrysanthemum) exhibit antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antipyretic effect. Sang Ye has compounds that interfere with SARS corona virus ability to bind to ACE2 receptors. 3. Moderate severity:
Research: XCFT has effect on temperature regulation, has anti-inflammatory effect, antiasthmatic and antiallergic effect . It is also a famous formula because of its hepatoprotective, antitumor properties and also regulates high cholesterol levels.
Research: MXGST has been demonstrated to reduce neutrophil infiltration into lung tissue and reduce lung inflammation. This means that it can prevent or reduce the damage to the lungs produced by the cytokine storm. This is the primary base formula used for Covid-19.
Acupressure Points These points are often used for anxiety, depression and insomnia. You can apply pressure discreetly whenever you feel nervous, anxious or uneasy wherever you are: in a meeting, in the car, while talking to someone, before the events that can make you anxious, in the evening before going to bed.. The three acupuncture points that can be very effective in relieving anxiety , depression and insomnia are PC-6, HT-7, LU-9. Used together they form a 'golden triangle' and have a powerful combined effect. You can stimulate these points with acupressure or with magnets. How to Apply Acupressure
PC-6Location Three finger-widths away from the wrist crease and on the midline of the palmar side of your lower arm. Indications Anxiety, Fright, Insomnia
Location At the wrist joint, along the line of your small finger.
LU-9Location At the wrist crease on palmar side of the hand, opposite to and at the level with HT-7. Indications
Golden Triangle: All Three TogetherWhen stimulated together, these points provide a great relief for anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
January 2024
Acupuncture |