Acupressure Points These points are often used for anxiety, depression and insomnia. You can apply pressure discreetly whenever you feel nervous, anxious or uneasy wherever you are: in a meeting, in the car, while talking to someone, before the events that can make you anxious, in the evening before going to bed.. The three acupuncture points that can be very effective in relieving anxiety , depression and insomnia are PC-6, HT-7, LU-9. Used together they form a 'golden triangle' and have a powerful combined effect. You can stimulate these points with acupressure or with magnets. How to Apply Acupressure
PC-6Location Three finger-widths away from the wrist crease and on the midline of the palmar side of your lower arm. Indications Anxiety, Fright, Insomnia
Location At the wrist joint, along the line of your small finger.
LU-9Location At the wrist crease on palmar side of the hand, opposite to and at the level with HT-7. Indications
Golden Triangle: All Three TogetherWhen stimulated together, these points provide a great relief for anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
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January 2024
Acupuncture |