Acupuncture Point ST-36 (Zusanli) If you ever had acupuncture, chances are that your acupuncturist needled this point, which is also called "longevity point". Often, when needle is inserted at ST-36, the feeling you may experience is one of dull ache and heaviness. It is a very powerful point that can have effect on your immune system, digestion and even mood. Location This point is located on the lateral side on the front of the lower leg, about hand-width below the knee crease. How to Apply Acupressure
ST-36 is the 36th point on the Stomach meridian. Traditionally it is used for:
Acupuncture stimulation of ST-36 has effect on vagus nerve. Vagus nerve is a cranial nerve that innervates viscera, especially digestive organs, which may explain why this point is used for digestive issues. ST-36 is an Anti-Inflammatory point! Another important function of vagus nerve is regulation of pathologic inflammatory reactions, thus acting as a bridge between neural and immune system. Chronic inflammation is at the root of many health conditions: diabetes, digestive issues, fatigue, depression.. No wonder it is called "longevity point"!
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7/27/2022 04:31:57 am
A fantastic strategy to maintain your health during "viral" periods is to use acupressure in place of or in addition to your regular acupuncture sessions. To accomplish the aforementioned effects, pressure applied to acupuncture sites can assist in stimulating the channels and interacting with the neurological system. Look for a sore region or a location where your finger appears to drop slightly when identifying points. Once you locate them, most acupuncture sites are easy to identify. Focus on each point for 30 seconds. While inhaling slowly into your belly, apply firm pressure.
8/26/2022 04:47:33 pm
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3/23/2023 02:14:10 am
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